A SESAM mode-locked Yb:CaF2 thin-disk oscillator delivering the highest pulse energy and peak power at pulse durations shorter than 300 fs was demonstrated at the IFSW.
At a repetition rate of 10 MHz the laser delivered femtosecond pulses with an average output power of up to 17.8 W corresponding to a pulse energy of 1.78 μJ. The pulse duration was measured to be 285 fs, which results in a peak power of 5.5 MW.
Contact: Dr. Marwan Abdou Ahmed
[1] SESAM-modelocked Yb:CaF2 thin-disk-laser generating 285 fs pulses with 1.78 μJ of pulse energy
Dannecker et al, Laser Phys. Lett. 13 055801 (2016)