European research project TresClean successfully completed

October 23, 2020 /

[Picture: IFSW]

The surfaces of materials can already be given an antibacterial effect during production with the aid of ultrashort laser pulses. This is the result of the three-year EU research project TresClean, in which the IFSW was involved as project partner. The project has now been successfully completed. The partners in the European TresClean consortium were the University of Stuttgart, the University of Parma and five other research institutes and industrial partners in Europe.

The task of the IFSW in this research association was to scale up the productivity of laser surface structuring in order to integrate it into the industrial manufacturing processes of the corresponding components. At the IFSW, high-power lasers and processing optics were developed which can produce surface structures of sub-micron size with an area rate of 4.5 m²/h.

Further information can be found at:

Contact: Volkher Onuseit


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