The worldwide first high-speed x-ray videos of the laser welding process in copper with cw powers of up to 16 kW were recorded at the IFSW by means of a high-power thin-disk laser (TruDisk 16002) from Trumpf.
Recent research results showed already that top-quality welding can be realized in pure copper (Cu-ETP) also at low feed rates below 8 m/min and with welding depths of up to 9 mm when high laser powers exceeding 5 kW are applied. To follow up these findings the x-ray video facility at the IFSW is now used to analyze the dynamics of the capillary during welding of pure copper with laser powers of up to 16 kW. The goal is to investigate the stabilizing mechanisms inside the melt pool related to the increased powers and consequently deduce methods to minimize defects such as spattering also at lower laser powers.
The video sequences below show x-ray recordings of a laser welding process with 16 kW of power in pure copper. The analysis is in progress.
Contact: Andreas Heider and Dr. Rudolf Weber
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