HIPERDIAS - HIgh throughPut LasER processing of DIAmond and Silicon

HIgh throughPut LasER processing of DIAmond and Silicon

Driven by the end-users requirements and needs, the main objective of the HIPERDIAS project is to demonstrate highthroughput laser-based manufacturing using high-power, high-repetition rate sub-1ps laser. Although the laser system to be developed within HIPERDIAS can address other material processing applications, the focus here will be 3D structuring of silicon at high speed, precision processing of diamond material and fine cutting of metal for the watch and the medical industry.

The final targest of the project are to demonstrate:

  • a 10-times increase of ablation rate and producitivity of large area 3D-structuring of silicon
  • a 10 times increase of speed in fine cutting metals
  • an increase of process speed at a low processing tools costs of diamond machining.

Therefore, the laser parameters, as well as the beam shaping, beam guided and machine systems will be developed and optimized to fulfil the above manufacturing targets.


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