
Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW)

Here you will find a list of all lectures and seminars at the IFSW with links to ILIAS and C@MPUS.

Information on the content, venue and lecturers of the individual courses can be found on C@MPUS.
Teaching materials are provided on ILIAS.

Notes on the specialisation subject "Laser in der Materialbearbeitung"

1) Choice of subjects

The specialization subject "Lasers in Materials Processing" consists of the core subject "Fundamentals of Laser Beam Sources" (6 LP), optionally one of the two core subjects "Materials Processing with Lasers" (6 LP) or "Laser Technology in Manufacturing" (6 LP), and a supplementary subject with 3 LP. If one of the modules "Materials Processing with Lasers" or "Laser Technology in Manufacturing" is outsourced from the specialization subject and instead taken as a competence field in the bachelor's degree program or as a specialization module in the master's degree program, it is also possible to choose either the module "Systems Engineering for Laser-Based Manufacturing" or the module "Solid State Lasers" as a supplementary subject with 6 LP in the specialization subject "Lasers in Materials Processing".

2) Check mode

2.1) Core and advanced subjects are examined in writing (2 h).

2.2) Supplementary subjects are examined verbally (20 min).

Practical training at the IFSW

The internship accompanies the lecture "Grundlagen der Laserstrahlquellen". The internship takes place in groups. Documents are provided in ILIAS.

Contact: Tim Kühlthau, Room 2.026, Phone: 0711-685-60435

Your contacts at the IFSW

This image shows Marwan Abdou Ahmed

Marwan Abdou Ahmed


Head of laser development and laser optics department

This image shows Tobias Menold

Tobias Menold


Head of system engineering department

This image shows Christian  Hagenlocher

Christian Hagenlocher


Head of process fundamentals department

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