Process Fundamentals

Research at the Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW)

Research focuses on the physical fundamentals of laser material processing and the development of resulting process strategies for laser-based manufacturing processes.

Rauchbildung beim Schweißen
Investigation of the influence of welding fumes on the welding depth.

Within the core research area on laser-based Process Fundamentals the knowledge on fundamentals gained in the continuous research on the interaction between laser beams an matter is exploited for the development of novel laser-based manufacturing techniques and to overcome current limitations in common processes like ablation, drilling, joining, cutting and additive manufacturing processes. The opportunities offered by beam shaping are thereby equally in the focus of the investigations as the development of reliable methods for process diagnostics and process control.
Enstehung von Spritzern beim Schweißen
Investigations into the formation of splashes during welding: Observation of melt flow dynamics with high-speed cameras.

Based on fundamental investigations, the process development and the development of process data are carried out under industry-related aspects. In addition to metallic and ceramic materials, which have so far mainly been machined, modern mixed compounds such as aluminium-copper or aluminium-steel are becoming increasingly important for lightweight construction and electromobility.

Drilling of precision holes
Drilling of precision holes in CFRP with minimal damage to the structure. Left: Beam entry side. Right: Hole inner wall.

For the research on process development the IFSW has available numerous laser materials processing machines at industrial standard which cover the full range of processes form cw cutting and welding to drilling and ablation with short and ultra-short laser pulses. For the development of reliable machining procedures the IFSW strongly benefits form the excellent diagnostics infrastructure installed in the institute‘s Center for Diagnostics of Laser-Based Manufacturing Processes.


This image shows Christian  Hagenlocher

Christian Hagenlocher


Head of process fundamentals department

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