The HIPERDIAS Consortium met with the European Commission and its technical reviewers to evaluate the progress that has been made within the first 12 months of the project. The partners outlined several key achievements that had been attained as a result of the HIPERDIAS Project, including:
Process and System Specifications (BOSCH)
Development of a robust Beam Delivery System (XLIM)
What’s next for the Consortium?
The Consortium are looking forward to several planned events and key milestones in Period 2, including:
1st Training Workshop – This event will take place at the University of Limoges (XLIM) in October / November 2017 and will present invited speakers from both Academia and Industry to help build the awareness of the HIPERDIAS Project and develop the end-user applications. The programme for this event is currently being drafted, and the Consortium will provide further information plan to make an announcement by the end of June 2017.
Work Package 7 (WP7) – Demonstrators. WP7 is due to start in M18 (August 2017) and aims to design two new tailored laser demonstrators for the processing application developed in the Project. The demonstrators consist of the integration (from WP3, WP4 and WP5), the laser prototype (from WP6) and the processing knowledge acquired (from WP2).
What are the next steps for the European Commission?
The European Commission and Technical Reviewers will write their evaluation and provide recommendations on how the project could be improved. The Consortium will then be responsible for the successful implementation of these recommendations, and once the Commission are satisfied, payment for Period 1 will be released to the project partners.
The Consortium aims to keep you regularly informed about the results achieved within the project, but should you want to hear more about the Project, please sign up to the Newsletter or contact us directly at