The recent progress in the research on dielectric grating mirrors at the IFSW now culminated in the realisation of pulse compressor gratings with an excellent diffraction efficiency of 99.7% (measured). Using two of these grating mirrors, our partners at Amplitude Systèmes (France) demonstrated a four-pass pulse compressor for sub-ps pulses with an excellent overal efficiency of 96.3%. The research on such specialty optical elements is part of the IFSW core competence which complement our major activities on ultrafast thin-disk lasers.
More details on the pulse compressor grating mirrors are published by M. Rumpel et al. in Optics Letters 39 (2), 323 (January 2014).
The current development was partly supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi, Germany) and was carried out in cooperation with Laser Components and AMO GmbH.
Contact: Dr. Marwan Abdou Ahmed