Announcement of a new W3 professorship

May 26, 2020 /


A new professorship of “Laser Technology in Manufacturing” is announced at the IFSW.

To expand the research activities of the IFSW at the University of Stuttgart, the new professorship is complementary to the professorship of “Strahlwerkzeuge” (Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Thomas Graf) and is dedicated to the system engineering of laser machines, the development of process strategies, process control, sensor technology for process monitoring, system control, the integration of active beam shaping and beam delivery as well as the consideration of laser and machine safety.

The tasks of the new W3 professorship include teaching and research in the field of laser technology for manufacturing applications with special consideration of digital production. We are looking for a personality who is internationally renowned and who can comprehensively represent the above mentioned topics in research and teaching. The application procedure runs until 4 July 2020.

The complete job advertisement can be found here:
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