The IFSW has demonstrated for the first time a SESAM mode-locked thin-disk oscillator delivering radially polarized sub-picosecond pulses with an average output power exceeding the 100 W level [1].
At the maximum output power of 125 W, a pulse duration of 970 fs was measured. The pulse repetition rate was 78 MHz und the pulse energy and peak power amounted to 1.6 µJ and 1.45 MW, respectively. The generation of the radial polarization was achieved by the application of a circular subwavelength grating integrated in the output coupling mirror.
Contact: Marwan Abdou Ahmed
[1] F. Beirow, M. Eckerle, B. Dannecker, T. Dietrich, M. Abdou Ahmed and T. Graf, “Radially polarized passively mode-locked thin-disk laser oscillator emitting sub-picosecond pulses with an average output power exceeding the 100 W level,“ Opt. Express 26(4), 4401-4410 (2018).