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SLT 2024 - Call for Papers
The 12th Stuttgart Laser Technology Forum (SLT) serves as a platform for knowledge transfer between academia and industry. The talks given by international experts from research and development provide a profound overview over the actual trends in laser technology. In particular, the SLT provides an insight in the corresponding fundamentals with respect to future applications. This is complemented by presentations from the industries which document the actual state of innovation transfer. At the SLT 2024, we seek contributions with a high degree of novelty and scientific excellence to enhance our understanding and the application of laser technology.
Download template for the 1-page abstract
Lasers and Optics
- High-Power Lasers (from CW to Ultrafast)
- Non-Linear Optics for Pulse Compression and Frequency Conversion
- Machine Learning in Optics and Lasers
- Diffractive Optics for Spatial, Spectral, and Temporal Beam Shaping
- Novel Laser Concepts
- Fibre-Optic Beam Delivery
Fundamentals of Laser Processing
- Diagnostics of Laser Materials Processing
- X-Ray Imaging of Laser Materials Processing
- Spatial and Temporal Optimization of Processing with Ultrafast Lasers
- High-Power Materials Processing (>20 kW CW; >1 kW Ultrafast)
- Laser Materials Processing of Advanced Novel Materials
- Laser Materials Processing of Semiconductors and Dielectrics
Lasers in Manufacturing
- Machine Learning in Manufacturing
- Process Monitoring and Control in Laser Materials Processing
- Novel Laser Processes from Ultrafast to CW and Combinations thereof
- Scaling the Productivity of Laser Materials Processing
- Scaling of Additive Manufacturing (Resolution, Productivity)
- Digital Methods in Laser-Based Manufacturing
- New Machines, Strategies, and Methods
Special Topics
- Laser Processing for Quantum Technologies
- Versatile High-Power Lasers from CW to Ultrafast
- Dynamic Laser Beam Shaping and its Application

Thomas Graf
Prof. Dr. phil. nat.Director

N. N.
Public relations and marketing IFSW