Girls' Day on 28 April 2022 successfully held at the IFSW

May 11, 2022 /

[Picture: Alexander Peter/IFSW]

26 institutes at the University of Stuttgart were participating in the nationwide Girls' Day and were preparing workshops and online events, including the Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW) with the exciting topic "Laser – the tool of the future".

The applications of laser beams are as diverse as the colors in the rainbow. But all laser beams have one thing in common. 30 interested young girls of the grades 7 to 10 learned what that is in the workshop. On April 28 the IFSW  presented its laboratory on site and provided exciting insights into the work of female engineering scientists. Among other things, they explained what the laser can do, how laser beams are used and how it is possible to look inside the material. Participation was expressly permitted!

Prof. Dr. Thomas Graf, director of the IFSW, looked forward to a lively participation on the Girls' Day 2022. He is convinced that the laser is already an outstanding, universal tool but that we are still far from exploiting its full potential. No other tool can be used in as many ways as the laser. From marking and labeling to welding and cutting material, this all is already possible with the laser.

You can find a video about the Girls´ Day 2022 in our YouTube channel at:

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